Ways of Life: Tools, Beliefs and Practices

Unangam Adaan Maqam Malganangin

Unangam Adaan Maqam Malganangin is an online repository of Unangan cultural and historical information and documents.

Unangam Adaan Maqam Malganangin​ > Moses Dirks 2023 Story Visit – Qawalangim Tunuu Speaker in Atka

Being asked if he’d worked with Fr. Ishmael Gromoff, Moses shares of the visits Fr. Ishmael would make to Atka for church services and how language spoken would “deepen” to be better understood between speakers of each dialect. He also shares of the beginnings of “The Right Way to Live as an Unangax̂”poster creation, the values shared on them being pulled from writings of Fr. Lavrenty Salamatov written in the mid 1800s.