Tanam Awaa

Ways of Life: Tools, Beliefs and Practices

Unangam Adaan Maqam Malganangin

Unangam Adaan Maqam Malganangin is an online repository of Unangan cultural and historical information and documents.

Unangam Adaan Maqam Malganangin​ > Gregory Fratis Sr. 1996 Short Story

Gregory Fratis Sr. telling a personal short story in Unangam Tunuu. This audio was done by the UCLA Phonetics Lab on May 4, 1996. More audios available at http://archive.phonetics.ucla.edu/Lan…

(907) 546-2546 (main)

2050 Venia Minor Road, P.O. Box 86
St. Paul Island, AK. 99660