Lestenkof, Michael
February to May 1994
Tape 1, Side A
Starring, SPI: Starosta John Misikin: Flag, Cloth ceiling, Porfiry Pankov- singing.
Starring, SGI: Paul Swetzof, (?Ignaty), Anatoly Lekanof. Songs- Aleut vs. Slavonic. Starring days; 13 January. UT: ‘Today, people would say…’
Starring, description.
Masking-history, description, meaning. King Herod. Infant Jesus.
Song, UT: Maskaratam Talaĝii
Masking, SPI: John Misikin. Elary Gromoff.
Masking – Father George Kochergin. Church.
Masking: rules, age, respect, January 19. SPI: Lagoon, cleanse. SGI: Rev. Peter Kashevarof-holy water.
Masking, SGI-Leonty Philemonof. Alexandra Lestenkof.
Masking, SGI, Questioning Identity: Andrew Kashevarof. NOTE: ADL recollects: Tell me who you are and I will be your boyfriend.”
Begging, history, lessons: equality, hunger, resolution. Religion used-say ‘Christ allowed [begging]’- not because Christ actually allowed it but the message is ‘it is an acceptable (Christian) thing to do.’
Star, Starring, made with: ribbon, crepe paper flowers, stencil (means ‘ tinsel’).
SPI: Alexandra Tetoff says brothers had star, change paint.
SGI: Paul Swetzof change colored glass. Ignaty (?) bought star $1- Constantine Lestenkof’s star-made by his Krosna Peter Kashevarof. Walter Kashevarof. XXX
Cloth. Candles. Icon. Nativity.
Flaming Star Story. Epaty Stepetin SGI. Auxenia Stepetin.
Starring competition: ”evaported.” Isaac Philemonof and (Yaya Top) Theodore Lestenkof.
Mentioned: Did tell you Yayatop ABCD shovel ee ya caught ya.
Discussion…all St. George people go back to…
School: Janitors at school were the children. Boys sweep. Stove, turn on before school start. Girls dusted.
School: Isaac Philemonof, cannon stove.
School Day-length
Daylight Saving Time-Bering Standard Time.
Dick Frasier…school no windows, heat. Fire in school smothered.
Children-lesson being with children. Ears don’t like to hear but the eyes…
Be an example for the people.
Silent Movies, story: St. George. Old school. Projector. Raisa Shane. Pre-wheelchair.
Silent movie, story, letters-words, closed our eyes. UT. Saanta Prokopiof.
Ben Merculief Sr. [father to Agafangel and Anthony.] Martin Galanin-cartoons. Nicknamed Ben “World” Nicknamed Michael Lestenkof: Itarya. Bill Merculief. Afanasia Prokopiof goggles-Nicknamed: frog eyes…Fuuka. Stefan and Pelagia Lekanof-Nicolai Merculief- UT. Kula.
Pelagia Lekanof: UT: Movie tonight?
Painting story: Yaya Top, Painting. Pelagia Lekanof
Storm or Screen Doors. Take Fresh Air. Draft. Perfinia Pletnikoff. Val. House 22 (SPI. Priest House.-garage, trailer shelter. Jack Adams.
Sealer’s Club-beginnings. Valentine Kashevarof.